יום ו Date: 27 Kislev, 5774 (12/19/14) – Yevamos#76 {Tani}
[76b bottom] Avner: The Torah does not allow MALE Ammonite/Moabite converts because, “They did not greet you with bread and water on the road when you were leaving Egypt [and Moab hired Bilaam to curse you].” David was permitted to marry into the Jewish nation because his ancestress (Ruth) was a Moabite FEMALE convert, and therefore both of them are considered full-fledged Jews.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: It is so important to be involved in Hachnassas Orchim (providing food and drink for guests)! We must care for others and their needs with huge hospitality. A person should never think, “Having guests is too much work for me, I’m no Avraham Avinu!” We must learn from the negligence of the Ammonites/Moabites that even just giving bread and water to someone is a big deal, let alone housing guests! We should try our utmost to upgrade our observance of this monumental Mitzvah of Hachnassas Orchim.