יום ב Date: 23 Kislev, 5774 (12/15/14) – Yevamos#72 {Tani}

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[72a top] R’ Pappa: We should not circumcise a child (or bloodlet) on a cloudy day or a day of severe south winds (as the healing powers needed for safety/recover are not present). However, now that the masses made it common practice to do so on these days, we apply the verse, “Hashem protects the simple ones.”

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always initially try to act in behaviors that are safe and not dangerous. Even if some people in society drink/smoke and do not get sick, we should protect ourselves from dangerous practices. The verse teaches to, “safeguard yourselves/your souls.” We must do what we can do to stay healthy and safe both spiritually and physically in all our habits and daily routines.