יום ב Date: 23 Kislev, 5774 (12/15/14) – Yevamos#72 {Eliezer}

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[72a top] Braisa: The healing north winds did not blow in the desert, in order for the miraculous protective clouds of glory not to dissipate. Rivta: Hashem could have made an extra miracle for the clouds not to have blown way (because its whole essence was unnatural anyway) but G-d did not want to perform unnecessary miracles. The clouds were needed for the Jews’ protection and survival (and once the awesomeness was present some additional internal miracles occurred as well: clothing not wearing out, shoes growing along with them; these were all part of the clouds’ miraculous nature). But in some instances, G-d does indeed perform “extra” miracles, when He wants to show his love. During some dark moments Hashem wants us to know that although we suffer greatly, G-d still cares about us very much [ie: by Chanukah the oil lasted eight nights, and when Yoseph was sold to slavery his caravan had sweet smelling spices].

D-E-ep Thoughts: We must always remember that Hashem always has our best interests in mind. Even when bitter punishment is necessary, He sprinkles in some extra unnecessary ‘sweets’ to remind us of His ever-lasting love.