יום א Date: 22 Kislev, 5774 (12/14/14) – Yevamos#71 {Tani}
[71b bottom] Gemarah: One reason as to why the Jews were not circumcised in the Midbar/wilderness is because they were exhausted during their journey. The Jews never knew when they would be traveling (as their trips were all set by Hashem’s command whenever He decided). Thus, there would not be ample for recuperation from the surgeries, as they might have had to travel at any given moment.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: A person should make sure to learn Torah and do good deeds when he/she is awake and alert (not worn out and tired after a long day). If a person tries to learn late at night he may very well fall asleep on his Gemarah, or during a shiur, and not benefit from the Torah at all (which also “embarrases” the Torah). Make sure to learning while awake, alert, and energized with specific set times not to be interrupted.