יום ה Date: 19 Kislev, 5774 (12/11/14) – Yevamos#68 {Eliezer}

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[68a middle] Rava [interpreting the Mishna]: A nine year old boy Mamzer (with a blemished lineage) who cohabits with a woman; disqualifies her from eating Terumah (Kohanic food).
Chashuchai Chemed: Does one who cohabits with a daughter of a Kohen (and renders her unfit from eating Terumah thereafter) have to pay for the loss of future monetary Terumah profits? GM’ Makkos [2]: False witnesses who try and render a woman unfit from eating Terumah get lashes as punishment. RambaN: The witnesses are not forced to pay because either A) it is not a finite amount that we can pin down or B) it is G’rama (an indirect damage) [which does not carry imposed court reimbursement penalties). Therefore, instead of having to pay in human courts, the Heavenly court will carry out the reimbursement penalties and make sure everything works out accordingly.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Often times in life we may feel that things do not work out “fairly.” We must always remember that G-d is in complete control and will always make things even out one way or another. We may not be able to see or fully understand it (even in our whole lifetime), but we have Emunah (faith) and Bitachon (trust) that our Father in Heaven is always looking out for us and taking care of what needs to be done for our ultimate good. Every day of retribution and redemption will come at its perfect, most opportune, time.