יום ד Date: 18 Kislev, 5774 (12/10/14) – Yevamos#67 {Eliezer}

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[67a bottom] R’ Ashi: The Rabanan agreed with R’ Yose’s ruling (but they still did not follow it themselves).
Ritva: The Rabbis had a different Mesorah (oral tradition) and therefore ruled against R’ Yose’s teachings.

D-E-ep Thoughts [based on R’ Rosner]: Just because we might understand certain aspects of Halacha (Jewish law) [or the world in general], we cannot live based on our own logic alone. Our minds are individually limited and we must ride the coat tales of our teachers and Rabbis who are one step back closer to the Ultimate source. Our Mesorah keeps us linked and is the ultimate tool for our eternal survival.