שבת Date: 14 Kislev, 5774 (12/6/14) – Yevamos#63 {Eliezer}

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[63a top] R’ Elazar: Any male that does not marry a wife is not considered a (complete) man. Also, a spouse is a helper that opposes the married individual.
Nitziv: If one is worthy, a spouse will help the individual grow to new heights and perfect one’s character. But, if one is obstinate then the spouse will appear as a fiery rival.

D-E-ep Thoughts [based on R’ Shalom Arush]: Since a soul is literally ripped into two and placed into male and female bodies in this world, we have an obligation to reunite our spiritual and physical existence. In the process, if we view ourselves as exact opposite reflections in our spouses, we are able to witness, understand, and correct our character flaws with their assistance. RambaM: We must always appreciate and care for our spouses as much as we do for ourselves, and respect them even more than we do to our own individual identities.