יום ב Date: 2 Kislev, 5774 (11/24/14) – Yevamos#51 {Eliezer}

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[51a top] Rava: R’ Shimon ben Gamliel was in doubt as to whether Ma’amar has full validity (and completes a Yebum marriage) or has no validity at all (and it is as if nothing was done).
Nahar Shraga: R’ Shimon does not apply the principle of Safek Derabanan Le’Kulah (in a Rabbinical case of doubt we rule leniently).
Ran: This rule does not apply if by using the leniency an entire Halacha (law) would be erased (and never actually applicable) [ie: like by Megillah, if a city is unsure which day to read it (because they do not know if the city was walled to qualify for a different day of reading), we tell them to read on both days rather than apply the prniciple of Safek Derabanan Le’Kulah and not to read it at all]. Therefore, this principle does not apply here either (since Ma’amar would lose all effectiveness).

D-E-ep Thoughts: Whenever we try to understand Halacha or any aspect of Hashem’s world, we must work within a set framework with borders. We must never completely abandon guidelines and Jewish law and find how each aspect can be made real in practice. Theory is nice conceptually, but we have to make sure to keep Torah real and alive in our lives.