יום ד Date: 26 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/19/14) – Yevamos#46 {Eliezer}
[46a middle] R’ Ashi gave his slave, Minyamin, over to Ravina and R’ Acha the son of Rava, to immerse in a Mikvah. R’ Ashi said to them: “I will demand reimbursement from you if he immerses himself for the sake of becoming a free man.” They placed a leash around his neck, which they loosened and tightened around his neck while he was in the water [they loosened it to not be a Chatzitzah (separation) between the water and his skin and they tightened it in order to indicate that the immersion was for becoming a Jewish slave, and not to gain his freedom].
D-E-ep Thoughts: As “free” as we may feel in this world, we must always remember the ‘leash’ around our necks. We are defined as “Avdei Hashem” (servants of G-d). Never forget that we are here on a mission and we must always be working towards fulfilling our purpose.