יום ג Date: 25 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/18/14) – Yevamos#45 {Eliezer}
[45b top] R’ Yehudah: When a half-free man/ half-slave marries a Jewish woman and then has relations with her, the resulting child born is a Mamzer (from an illegitimate union). This is because although half the man married her legitimately, the other half (slave) of him had no right being intimate with her (as she is a married woman).
D-E-ep Thoughts: Even when items or actions may be allowed at one time or another, in Jewish law that does not mean they have blanket permissibilities. Time is especially one important factor that creates situational prohibitions. G-d makes us always stay in tune with each moment and recognize not to just live mechanically in this world. We are taught to always analyze, ask questions, and seek out parents, teachers, and Rabbis to help us understand and act appropriately.