שבת Date: 8 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/1/14) – Yevamos#28 {Eliezer}
[28b bottom] Gemarah: Sometimes we make one case prohibited (even though technically permissible) because it looks too similar to a prohibited version of the case [and we do not want people to become confused].
D-E-ep Thoughts: We always have to be super careful (to be correct in every situation and action we perform) and never just run on autopilot [ie: switching on light switches on Shabbos, or davening without thinking of the meaning of the words…]. The entire purpose of life is to CONNECT with our creator. Even though we are given the tricks and tools to achieve results, if we use them without intention or meaning the product is majorly flawed (and sometimes completely lacking any value at all). We should try to use everything that we encounter in this world as a means to come back closer to the Almighty.