יום ג Date: 4 Cheshvan, 5774 (10/28/14) – Yevamos#24 {Eliezer}

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[24a middle] Rava: There is a general principle of: We never remove the simplistic literal translation of a Biblical verse [even when we expound many deeper levels]. Rashi: When the Torah commands, “One may not put a stumbling block in front of blind person,” it means that one may not give bad advice, and one may not facilitate an Aveirah. Minchas Chinuch: Why not say it also means that literally one may not put a ROCK in front of Blind man? Klei Yakar: Since the end of Pasuk (verse) says, “and you shall fear G-d,” this must refer to a case (even one the most simplistic level) that no one else will realize the man’s wrongdoings, but Hashem knows. That is why the simple explanation of the verse cannot be about putting a literal rock down (because everyone will see it and know how bad of a person he/she is).

D-E-ep Thoughts: Sometime people get lost too much in caring about what other people will think. We must remember that we are supposed to live our lives in the most straight and proper paths possible. We should never try to get away with things, even when no one else (physically) would know. Additionally, we should not need to be praised or recognized for the good we do while we are here. Just remember, whatever we do and think… Hashem Always Knows.