יום א Date: 2 Cheshvan, 5774 (10/26/14) – Yevamos#22 {Tani}

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[22b middle] Rav Pappa: A person does Teshuvah (repentance) when the individual corrects the wrong which that person did (i.e. returning a stolen object). Mishna: If a man fathers a Mamzer (from an illegitimate relationship), how can do Teshuvah. The child is born and living as a Mamzer, constantly showing his evil actions?! Gemarah: Even though the sin is revealed through the child, once he does Teshuvah, he is considered as “one who acts in consonance with the conduct of your people” and now is viewed as a Torah-abiding Jew (despite the child’s existence).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Teshuvah is so powerful that is erases a man’s evil deeds; even if it is one who sins so greatly to have a Mamzer in existence! A person must never think that he is so far gone as to never achieve true repentance. If a man who has a mamzer can achieve full Teshuvah and forgiveness, surely all of us, who sin on a much different (and usually lower levels) can as well.