שבת Date: 1 Cheshvan, 5774 (10/25/14) – Yevamos#21 {Tani}

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[21a middle] Gemarah: False measures (cheating in business transactions) are worse than Arayos (forbidden relationships) transgressions. For Arayos transgressions, one can do Teshuvah (repentance) by regretting the sin sincerely and following the four steps of: confessing to Hashem, regretting the sin, abandoning the sin, and resolving not to repeat it. However, for false measures, it is not possible to achieve full repentance [because one who does this steals from the public and has no knowledge of all his victims’ identities and true amounts stolen (thus he cannot return the money stolen for full repentance involving monetary laws)].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: It is important to be honest in everything we do, with everyone we talk to, and all whom we interact with. Words are not things we can easily undo and money transactions are not easily reversible. A person is supposed to uphold a high moral fiber as a Jew and one who messes with business matters is playing with extreme fire. Similarly, Loshon Hara (evil talk) is like feathers that were let loose in the wind; just as one can never re-gather all the feathers he let loose, one can never repair all the damage he caused with his words.