יום ו Date: 30 Tishrei, 5774 (10/24/14) – Yevamos#20 {Tani}

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[20a bottom] Rava: Rabbinic restrictions are called “Prohibitions of Sanctity.” People should sanctify themselves by refraining from that which is even permitted to them. This adds a layer of protection to the prohibitions of the Torah [i.e. not only first level Arayos (forbidden relationships) are forbidden, but Rabbis made secondary Arayos prohibited as well].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should not only avoid that which is prohibited to us, but to be careful to lessen on that which is permitted to us also. For example, though it is a Mitzvah to eat on Shabbos, one should not eat as a glutton like a pig stuffing his face “in the spirit of Shabbos.” This (although technically permitted) is not appropriate behavior. A person should not only work within the confines of Halacha (Torah law), but also in the spirit of it as well [i.e. not playing ball on Shabbos].