יום ד Date: 28 Tishrei, 5774 (10/22/14) – Yevamos#18 {Tani}
[18a bottom] Rabbah: R’ Meir is concerned even for a possible negation of a Yebum Mitzvah. R’ Meir therefore forbids two brothers to do Yebum with two sisters due to the concern that after one of them does Yebum the other one may die, forcing the second Yevamah woman to be discharged without a Mitzvah having been fulfilled (because she may not marry the living brother due to forbidden relationship prohibitions).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: See how precious each and every Mitzvah is to our sages! R’ Meir is concerned about a somewhat unusual case that can may lead to missing out on a Yebum Mitzvah. If only we had such worries about missing out on much more common and easy Mitzvahs that fall by our waist-sides every single day, all too easily. We should keep our eyes open to Mitzvahs that fly away from us throughout our daily life.