שבת Date: 24 Tishrei, 5774 (10/18/14) – Yevamos#14 {Tani}
[14a top] R’ Yehoshua: We pay no heed to heavenly voices in regards to resolving Halachik disputes, as the a verse in Devarim explains that the “Torah is not in heaven.”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We sometimes get lost and think that the Torah is “in Heaven.” It seems too grand for us to bear, and that it is only for those really wise who can study and delve into it; we cannot attempt to study it at all. However, R’ Yehoshua teaches us that it is not in the Heavens, but rather in the hands of man. Even the average man can, and should do what he can to acquire Torah [whether it be listening to Shiyurim (lectures), watching Torah videos, learning a few minutes, or doing Daily Daf]. We must all try to do what we can to acquire our own Torah for ourselves.