שבת Date: 10 Tishrei, 5774 (10/4/14) – Chagigah#26 {Eliezer}
[26a bottom] R’ Yehoshua ben Levi: On Holidays, all Jews are considered Chaveirim (scholars, literally: friends) and are trustworthy regarding testimony and purity of themselves and items.
Lulliver Rebbe: All year, we are specifically careful not to get involved with people who are lax in their observance for problematic purifications purposes. On Holidays especially, there are even more precautions regarding sanctified items. It seems exactly counterintuitive to start intermingling with the populace on these days!? On the Holy days, every individual becomes uplifted and equal in our communities. The statuses of Amei Ha’aretz (non-observant Jews) are completely dissolved and therefore the laws regarding them are not even applicable (when we come together as one).
E’s Lesson: We must always remember not to define people by their actions. Titles can be harmful and can get in the way of people succeeding and doing Teshuva (repentance). On the Holiest days of our year, we are taught be be inclusive with our fellow brethren and to act K’ish Echad B’leiv Echad (as one, with one heart).