יום ו Date: 9 Tishrei, 5774 (10/3/14) – Chagigah#25 {Eliezer}

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Gemarah: There were two brothers, a Chaver (Rabbinic scholar) and an Am Ha’aretz (non-observant individual) that inherited their father’s portions [Chaver literally means a “friend,” while an Am Ha’aretz means from the “nation of the ground”].

E’s Lesson: Even though two people may be siblings, they can be vastly different. A wise person is called by another a “friend” because he is someone that he should make close to him (to learn from) at all times. We should never get lost in attaching ourselves to the physicalities themselves (represented by the ground) or even people who infuse their lives with non-spiritual matters. May we always surround ourselves with and become ourselves true Holy Chaveirim.