יום ו Date: 24 Elul, 5774 (9/19/14) – Chagigah#11 {Eliezer}

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[11a bottom] Braisa: A Mikvah’s (ritual bath’s) size is learned from the verse, “He shall immerse in the water his entire flesh.”

E’s Lesson: The specific requirement in a Mikvah is for a body’s complete immersion all at once, and not one limb at a time. The idea here is that we are completely submerging all of ourselves and being entirely Mevatel (nullifying one’s self) to G-d. When we recognize that there is no “I” in G-d, He is able to fill us and cleanse/purify our beings. May we always put down our own egos and work to bring out Hashem’s Oneness and spirituality in the world.