יום ה Date: 23 Elul, 5774 (9/18/14) – Chagigah#10 {Eliezer}

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Rough Roads

[10a top] R’ Yochanan: One should not switch from learning one set of Gemarahs to another. Tosephos: This means not to switch from either learning The Bavli edition (Babylonian version) to the Yerushalmi (Israeli version) edition or visa versa.

E’s Lesson (based on R’ Rosner): One should never give up on something just to learn something easier. We must make valiant efforts and toil in our work to understand and gain insight. We must not simply abandon our pursuits because they become difficult. When the going gets tough, the tough get going! May we always find the strength to persevere and turn to G-d to give us the strength to pull through.