יום ה Date: 5 Teves, 5776 (12/17/15) – Gittin#4 {Tani}
COALESCING COURTS [4b bottom] Gemarah: Since there are established courts throughout the land of Israel, even though the pilgrimages are not made …
COALESCING COURTS [4b bottom] Gemarah: Since there are established courts throughout the land of Israel, even though the pilgrimages are not made …
SOCIETAL SERVICE [3b bottom] R’ Elazar: Witnesses only sign on a Get for the benefit of society (ie: in case the witnesses …
COMPLETE COMPREHENSION [2b bottom] Gemarah: Ordinary court scribes are knowledgeable of the requirement that a Get (bill of divorce) must be written …
COMPLETING CONCEPTS [13b top] R’ Chama bar Chanina: If one starts something but another completes it, the second one gets credit as …
LOST LOYALTIES [12b bottom] R’ Chama son of R’ Chanina: When a righteous person loses something, it should not only be returned, …
BONUS BENEFITS [11a middle] Rava: G-d’s measure of reward for good is far greater than His measure of retribution for evil (our …
IGNITING IGNOMINY [10b top] R’ Zutra bar Toviyah quoting Rav (some say R’ Chana bar Bizna quoting R’ Shimon Chasida and others …
MARVELOUS MEASURES [9b top] Gemarah: Hashem’s payback methods (through measure for measure) apply not only to our bad deeds, but also to …
PROVIDING PUNISHMENTS [8b bottom] R’ Yosef: Even nowadays, people still die (measure for measure) for the punishments they deserve [similar to the …
ADMISSION AWARDS [7b top] Gemarah: Yehudah confessed his sin in public and was rewarded with not only life in the world to …