יום ו Date: 26 Av, 5774 (8/22/14) – MoedKatan#11 {Eliezer}

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The BLAME Game

[11a middle] R’ Chisda: When the Gemarah explains that on Chol Hamoed one may not bang with a hammer if it produces a loud noise (and disrupts the spiritual environment of the Holy Day), how can we distinguish these from the permissible quieter sounds? Shearim Mitzyonim beHalachah: It is difficult to say which exactly is termed loud versus quiet because people will claim that their individual noises are not disruptive. R’ Rosner: It is human nature for us to be defensive and blame everyone else for really having the problems and not look inwards at ourselves.

E’s Lesson (based on R’ Shalom Arush): We must remember that (even though other people have their own free will) every challenge that comes our way is for us to be able to grow and perfect our souls further. We should never try to place blame outwards in hopes of a solution. We must always try to fix ourselves to correct a problematic situation (which is why Hashem gave it to us in the first place).