יום ד Date: 23 Nissan, 5774 (4/23/14) – Beitzah#24 {Eliezer}

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[24a middle] Rabbah bar R’ Huna: The Gemara discusses a Deror bird, who does not accept mastery. As it was taught in R’ Yishmael’s Yeshiva: Such a bird constantly flees when indoors by flying from one corner to another.
R’ Binyomin Adler: In the Selichos that we recite prior to Rosh Hashanah, we recite the words “evrach mimcho eliecha,” (I will run away from You to You). This statement, although seemingly contradictory, is indicative of our relationship with Hashem. Although we may attempt to run away from Hashem [as Yonah sought to do when Hashem instructed him to warn the citizens of Nineveh to repent], ultimately, we must recognize that the only place we can actually run to is back to Hashem’s embrace. G-d outstretches His right hand to accept penitents, and all we have to do is turn to Him and Hashem will accept us once again.
R’ Akiva Tatz: Adam became confused after eating from the tree of binding of good and bad. That is why he hid from Hashem, because only in a muddled mind can one escape from G-d.

E’s Lesson: We must never let our confusion take the place of reality. G-d was, is, and will always be everywhere and in control of and actually is everything. We must follow His rulebook (which enables us to have the best life possible anyway!) and keep Hashem in the front of our minds at every moment. When we keep a conscious awareness of our Creator, it is that much easier to lead a proper life.