יום ד Date: 11 Teves, 5776 (12/23/15) – Gittin#10 {Eliezer}

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[10a middle] R’ Shimon ben Gamaliel: When Cusim (sects from Samaria with doubtful conversions) do some specific Mitzvos (even though they might not do all other ones) they do them with precision.
Tosephos: Also Gerim (converts) [R’ Rosner: and numerous Baalei Teshuvas (Jews that become more religious)] who are much more connected and enthusiastic about many Mitzvos, sometimes put other “regular” Jews to shame in their practices.

D-E-ep Thoughts: We must never lose those “sparks” of excitement that fulfilling Hashem’s commandments bring. Just because we have done something thousands of times, it does not make it any less phenomenal. By adjusting our performance the slightest, or by finding ‘new’ ways to connect to G-d in actions, we can increase our intensities and perfect our performances.