Parshas Tzav – The ‘EASY’ life. {Eliezer}

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The ‘EASY’ life.

Based on the teachings of:R’ Shalom Rosner and R’ Akiva Tatz
[Fun Trivia: Count the Holidays alluded to in this DT (can you find all three?)]

Rashi: Hashem tells Moshe to ‘command‘ Aaron, why not just ’tell’ him? Extra encouragement is needed when experiencing a financial loss because all of the sacrifice is being burned to Hashem. R’ Zeven: Anything that comes suddenly/exceptionally hits home hard. Even though “nature” is more extraordinary; we just get dulled and our senses get desensitized. Hashem taught us this lesson through Moshe. He was instructed by G-d to raise his staff to split the waters, but also to raise his staff to “let them” fall back down again when miracle was done. Why? To teach that is just as miraculous for water to fall down and flow as it is for it to stand straight up! The first night we light candles in Kislev also to teach that this night is no different than the “extra” 7 nights it continued to burn subsequently.
One has an obligation to feel as if the Torah was given to him new every day. But not just Torah. We need to be excited as if every action and experience is given brand new each moment.
R Shimon Mosif: When someone has it all and life is easy, we can serve G-d with no problem. But if Hashem takes things away, this is when we are truly tested. When we are not in our comfortable home, when our pockets are not full, when the sun is hidden in the clouds… Are we still keeping our Emunah (faith) strong then? Are we still serving with full love and to the best of our abilities? Chazal: When a man lends a poor person money at the time of his difficulty, then Hashem will surely listen to him. It’s not simply at the time of the ‘poor person’s difficulty’, but when the ‘LENDER’ is in a difficult situation. If he is down and out, will he THEN continue with his righteous giving ways, or give up when the going gets tough? That’s the test.
Gemarah Brachos: The Angels ask G-d, why He is soo merciful and goes above and beyond with the Jewish people? The instant they sin, G-d should smite people! Hashem answers, because they show favoritism above and beyond for Me. Even when they only have a small portion of bread, they acknowledge, praise, and thank Me as if they ate a huge meal. 
The idea is that we should praise G-d not only when we are satiated and have what we need, but even (or especially!) when we do not have everything we are used to. We are taught to praise G-d for our Lechem Oni (poor person’s bread; the Matzah).
This is why G-d tells Moshe to COMMAND, to be strong in our convictions and know that there are these representational times when we will need extra help and recognition to remain steadfast and strong in the face of adversity. We should all be given the strength we need, from G-d, to stand strong when the winds are blowing hardest. Know, that Hashem only wants us to show our unwavering commitments that shine our love out the brightest in the dark months of Adar. Let us all be the Esthers and Mordechais to write the Megillahs of our lives, within which when examined reveal G-d the greatest, even though His name is not written specifically even once yet, at all.
May we be Zocheh (merit) to continually enhance our Emunah (faith) and understand that G-d is everywhere in the world. This way, He will no longer need to remain hidden and then show His full countenance with the coming of Moshiach, speedily in our days. Amen.