שבת Date: 27 Iyar, 5775 (5/16/15) – Kesuvos#103 {Tani}

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[103a middle] Rav Huna: The blessing of a household is in its numerousness; the greater number of its inhabitants, the greater is its financial blessing (also, the productivity of a group is far greater than the product of the individual members).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always strive to be a part of something greater than ourselves, and think in “combined numbers.” Try to be a part of a larger Minyan, a big Shul, a worldly Chessed organization, an increasing family, and the like. The sum of the whole is much more powerful than all of its individual parts combined. May we always be blessed with increasing numbers and productivity.


[103b bottom] Rebbi used to visit his family after his death on the eve of every Shabbos and make Kiddush. Once the maid told a neighbor that Rebbi was coming, and after that he no longer showed up.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Humility and silence are greatly beneficial traits. “A protective fence for wisdom is silence.” Pirkei Avos: “Humility is key as well.” We should strive to embrace both traits, and keep our mouths shut and our hearts open [especially in matters that are secretive and those of which do not directly concern us].