שבת Date: 6 Iyar, 5775 (4/25/15) – Kesuvos#82 {Eliezer}

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[82b bottom] R’ Rosner quoting Sheyarim Mitzyonim Behalacha: There was only a small percentage [~15%] of women who were remaining unmarried due to financial concerns. Shimon ben Shetach was worried about the “Shidduch Crisis” (singles’ problem) even during the times of the Gemarah [he wanted to make sure that every girl would find her suitable mate].
The Klei Yakar, In Prag during the 1500’s, wrote a book with a special connection to each and every week’s Torah portion to connect it to the significance of marriage and finding one’s Bashert (soulmate).

D-E-ep Thoughts: We have to all do our very best to help ensure the growth of our nation. It is our obligation to help each and every single brother and sister find their other halves. We should be very happy and enjoy our own families, but never sit in complacency while there are still those who can use our assistance to connect and produce their own dreams.