יום ה Date: 30 Shevat, 5775 (2/19/15) – Kesuvos#17 {Eliezer}

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[17a top] Braisa: Beis Hillel: When dancing in front of a bride, one should say that she is beautiful and charming (even if it is not true) [it would not actually help anyone by saying she is not beautiful, plus it is also a personal opinion that might not be true from another’s perspective].

D-E-ep Thoughts: Whenever we can be helpful and make a positive difference in the world we should strive to do so, but not if it comes at the expense of another. If someone is very set in his/her ways, just because we might feel the individual should be doing things differently from our perspective, we must take a moment to pause and reflect on what our actual motivations are and if the person wants to even be told it at all. We should always put forth only positive energy and think of how well we would want to be treated and spoken to.