Parshas Vayikra – A SALTY Situation {Eliezer}

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A Salty Situation

By: Eliezer [Based on the teachings of: R’ Leiby Burnham and R’ Akiva Tatz]

What’s the deal with all this SALT? “You shall salt all your meal-offerings with salt and you shall not omit salt, the covenant of your G-d, from being placed upon your meal-offerings. You shall bring salt on every one of your offerings.” (Lev. 2:13)

Whenever we look for an answer it is best to source it back as close to the beginning as possible (we always look to the ROOTS). The Midrash explains that on the second day of creation, G-d split the lower waters and the upper water. The lower waters complained that were upset being further away from Hashem in the Heavens (being lower down, underneath). G-d heard their cry, and answered by sanctifying them with SALT. [This is a very similar analogy to that of when a day previously, the moon had complained to G-d that he and the sun should not be the same size. G-d criticized the moon and shrunk him for complaining but gave him all the STARS to make up for his deficiency. And the stars held Power with astrological signs]. Hashem now told the lower sea that his SALT would have an extra special place in this world and be put upon all the sacrifices (to become extra elevated and super close to Him).

Hashem did not want to use the lower sea water itself to put on all the offerings, because they complained and were punished. But to show His love (like the moon’s Stars), their salt became uplifted and connected. Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky adds a beautiful insight. The lower waters themselves are not distinctly unique because they constantly mix with the upper waters. The only thing uniquely their own is what is left behind. That is the salt, which does not get “elevated” on its own. These salts are not inclined towards elevation (ie: spiritual growth and upper connection) on their own. The message for us becomes very clear now. There are parts of us that remain very hesitant to change and seemingly get ‘left behind’ as we grow. G-d wants us to make the effort to enhance every fiber of our being (and even those around us to help enhance the world through Kindness). This way, no Jew will ever get left behind.