יום א Date: 11 Tishrei, 5774 (10/5/14) – Chagigah#27 {Eliezer}

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[27a bottom] Reish Lakish: Even “empty” sinners of Israel are still filled with Mitzvos; like pomegranates are filled with seeds. Margolios Hashas: When they did Mitzvos they felt like they were full (like seeds cramped in a pomegranate). They had an attitude of satisfaction and did not want to be bothered further while in truth they were still lacking inside.

E’s Lesson: When one completes a Mitzvah, he/she should never feel as if the work is done for that day and say, “Oh, I already did my good good for the day.” We have endless possibilities and each moment should be used to its maximal potential. May we always strive to do and accomplish more with the time we are given and complete many more Tractates and and much more learning together.