שבת Date: 11 Elul, 5774 (9/6/14) – MoedKatan#26 {Eliezer}

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[26a top] R’ Yosef: Greater is a Rebbe with his Tefillos (prayers), than any type of chariot, to protect the Jewish people. We also say everyday in Davening of Lamnatzei’ach, “Some with chariots, and some with horses, but we — in the name of Hashem, our G-d, we call out.” Rashi explains that some of our foes rely on chariots and on other cavalry, but we (know better and) trust in G-d.

E’s Lesson: It is easy to call out to Hashem when we do not have our powerful weaponry. The true test comes when we do have everything that we need (ie: like a powerful army and airforce). We must still recognize that all if it is truly nothing, and remember where everything and our real salvation comes from.