יום ד Date: 6 Sivan, 5774 (6/4/14) – RoshHashana#27 {Eliezer}

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[27a middle] Gemarah: The Torah is concerned about the Jewish peoples’ money. The fast day trumpets needed to only be made out of silver and not gold like for YomTovim ones**].
Rashi [quoting Vayikra 4]: Before a house is declared Tamei (impure) we allow its objects (like earthenware) to be removed from it [and not to have to be destroyed due to impurification]. This also demonstrates the Torah’s concern for Jews’ money.

E’s Lesson: If the Torah and Rabbis are sensitive to how our money is spent, how much more so should WE be with our own money!? We need to recognize the wealth and means we are blessed with and remember to use these gifts properly and to help us come closer to Hashem (giving Tzedakah, buying Seforim to learn, and spending money for our childrens’ education).

For Holidays we are required to use GOLD because it is much more Honorable to G-d. And why is it not considered a “waste” of our resources here as well? Because we have already learned [in Beitzah daf #15: https://dailydoseofdaf.com/?p=605] that what we spend on Holidays does not come out of our own pockets anyway!