יום ה Date: 22 Iyar, 5774 (5/22/14) – RoshHashana#14 {Eliezer}

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[14b top] Braisa: The law always follows Beis Hillel. If one chooses to follow all the practices of Beis Shammai, that is permissible as well. However, if one takes the leniencies of both opinions, he is considered wicked and one who takes the stringencies of both is called a fool. One should follow either opinion in both their stringencies and leniencies.

E’s Lesson#1: (Based on R’ Rosner) One must not abuse a system. Even though technically one may be getting an authoritative answer on a particular question, it is prohibited to “shop around” to fit a selfish ideal. Additionally, one must not abuse him/herself. To take on erroneous prohibitions is overly restrictive and harmful to physical and spiritual development. We must focus on finding the appropriate middle ground and keep true to the guidelines and the answers we receive.


[14a bottom] Mishna: Shevat is the New Year for a Tree. [Beis Shammi hold it is the 1st of the month, and Beis Hillel hold it is the 15th].
B’nei Yissachar: Why doesn’t it say the “New Year for TreeS”? The singluar is referring to the particular tree that yields a singular Esrog that one will use for the Sukkos Holiday. We learn from here, that one should have a particular prayer in mind on Tu Beshvat that Hashem should produce a beautiful Esrog for him to use several months later as a Mitzvah in the 4 species.

E’s Lesson#2: We should always be involved in Mitzvos. Look to gain extra credit for present actions in a preparatory mode. One Rabbi used to get “Shabbos meal Mitzvos” every day. He would buy his food on the first day for Shabbos (and get the Mitzvah), and the following day he would say, “I found better and fresher food, which I plan to use instead for Shabbos!” This went on each day throughout the week and he would rank up the credit and have each night’s meal set as well. Additionally, when one studies in school, he/she can do so just to pass a test, or one can have in mind to be appreciating Hashem’s world and wisdom and therby gain Mitzvos! We can be performing the exact same actions routinely, but we might as well be getting the most we can out of it in the process.