יום ה Date: 24 Nissan, 5774 (4/24/14) – Beitzah#25 {Eliezer}

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[25a bottom] Mishna: If an animal was slaughtered in a field on YomTov, it should not be brought back inside on big poles that multiple people were needed to carry (rather it should be broken down into smaller pieces and carried separately). This was prohibited because it appears to be a big production and it would be a disgrace (and take away from) the focus of the Holiday; it would not be ‘YomTovdik.’

E’s Lesson: We need to remember to keep within “the spirit of the day.” Technically, things may be within the letter of the law, but still improper to do. We are commanded [Vayikra 19:2] “You shall be Holy.” This lesson teaches us not to just live superficially by ‘getting by’ and strictly observing Mitzvos, but to rise above and maintain spiritual existences infused with deeper proper meaning.