יום ד Date: 24 Adar, 5777 (3/22/17) – Bava Basra Daf 59 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[59a middle] R’ Yanai: Even if an Egyptian ladder [one which does not have at least four rungs], has been in the same place for three years, does not help constitute a Chazakah (legal acquisition by right of possession).
R’ Rosner explaining R’ Yosef Nechemia Kornitzer: The only time a “ladder” appears in Tanach is in Parshas Vayeitzei: In Yaakov’s dream, he saw a ladder which symbolized the connection from Earth to Heaven. סלם (ladder) stands for, that which Pirkei Avos [4:13] also describes as: סומך נופלים [Chessed/Gemilus Chassadim (loving kindness)], the crown of Royalty, לימוד תורה (learning Torah), the crown of Torah, and מ is the מרכז Middle letter of the Aleph Beis, and for מזבח (the Altar) the center for worship/Avodah (service), the crown of Priesthood [these make up the three legs upon which the world stands]. However, (as our Gemarah also teaches) there is no permanent concretization, Chazakah, of these three without a fourth rung of the crown of a Good Name, which must accompany them all.
Radbichai: The Vav in סוּלָם is the fourth ‘hidden’ letter and true “hook” that joins them all together.
R’ Mark B Greenspan: Since human decency is the true measure of human character, (whether through pedigree or piety,) true honor only comes to those of good character. The qualities and the honor one attains in life mean nothing of one who does not show respect to others.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Jewels can only help adorn those who are clean enough to sparkle.

Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: Never use knowledge to belittle others.