יום ד Date: 19 Shevat, 5777 (2/15/17) – Bava Basra Daf 24 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[24b top] Mishnah: Abba Shaul: Any barren, non-fruit bearing, tree must be distanced fifty amos (for it is embarrassing/distasteful to its nearby city).
Chassam Sofer [from Rashi quoting Sifra [Bichukosai]: In the future, when Moshiach comes, all trees will bear fruit.  

D-E-ep Thoughts: People are often embarrassed when they are unable to have children, keep steady jobs, or are lacking in any areas where their friends might have overabundance. The truth is that as our loving Father in Heaven, G-d wants us to be blessed with everything good. He simply desires us to connect with Him (and this ‘Deveikus’ is the one main task we have in this world). When we are able to talk with G-d regularly and sincerely (and develop that closeness with Him), just as our barren forefathers and mothers were miraculously blessed (even at physically impossible old ages), so too will we be showered with endless Brachos. When the ultimate redemption comes, and we all are engulfed in G-d’s light with absolute connections, every person, animal, and plant will be able do nothing else except bear endless glorious fruits.

Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: If we feel we are lacking in a certain area, turn to Hashem and pour out our hearts to Him. Thank Hashem for what we have (and do not have), mention how we want to be better, and ask for what we desire physically, emotionally, and spiritually.