יום ב Date: 10 Shevat, 5777 (2/6/17) – Bava Basra Daf 15 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[15b top] Braisa: Iyov had four friends: Elifaz, Bildad, Tzofar, and Elihu.
R’ Rosner quoting R’ Chaim Shmuelevitz: The Satan took everything away from Iyov (ie: his money, animals, possessions and family…), except his few friends. These were left to him because without them, he would have gone insane. A person cannot live properly without a core group of friends.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Although we cannot choose our families, we can choose our friends. Who we surround ourselves with will help define who we become. It is important to choose Rabbeim and friends that are kind, caring, and spiritually Holy.

Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: Analyze the circles that we put ourselves into and honestly assess if those are the best places for us to be in.