יום ג Date: 17 Elul, 5776 (9/20/16) – Bava Kama Daf 112 {Tani}

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[112b middle] R’ Yirmiyah’s father-in-law’s son (who was a minor) closed the door in the face of R’ Yirmiyah (claiming that the property was his, for he inherited it from his father). R’ Yirmiyah claimed that he was the rightful owner, since the father-in-law had given it to him as a gift. He came to complain about this to R’ Avin in Beis Din (Jewish court). R’ Yirmiyah said, “I can bring witnesses to testify that I have a Chazakah (a presumption of ownership; by occupying the property for three years without anyone protesting) during the lifetime of the father.”  R’ Avin replied, “Can we accept witnesses where the other party is not present?” [Meaning that they cannot accept testimony against a minor (who is not considered legally “present”).]

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Even when we are right, but things do not go ‘our way,’ we should not be mad or upset because everything is in Hashem’s hands. Sometimes, in order for things to play out according to His plan, we seemingly get ‘inappropriate punishments’ or ‘random rewards.’ G-d always works with definite actions and we should do the best in our current situations and Thank G-d for everything (even when we do not understand the reasons).