שבת Date: 20 Adar II, 5774 (3/22/14) – Sukkah#47 {Tani}

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R’ Elazar ben Yaakov [47b bottom]: Bikkurim (first fruits) require waving. The owner holds the top of the basket, and the Kohen supports it underneath to help the owner offer it to Hashem.

T’s Lesson: You are not only allowed to do the mitzvah alone. You are required  to have someone (ie: the Kohen) help you. We are not meant to live a solitary life; When you learn and you develop/recognize a great idea… Share it!
Learning with a chavrusah (partner) is one of the best styles. Your partner challenges you to come up with the best explanations.
The mishna in Pirkei Avos: “Make for yourself a rav and Acquire for yourself a friend.” For learning, a friend is crucial to be acquired to help you achieve clarity in learning. Learning and mitzvos can not be done by yourself in a vacuum. Use friends to help best achieve your potential.