Parshas Shemini – What is LOVE? {Eliezer}

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What is LOVE?

Based on the teachings of: R’ Rosner, R’ Schwab, & R’ Tatz

Parshas Shemini (9:6): “Moshe said: This is the thing that Hashem has commanded you to do; then the Glory of Hashem will appear to you.”

The Midrash (Toras Kohanim): This is referring to the Yetzer Hara (Y’H=Evil Inclination) we need to remove from hearts, and then we will get G-d’s Glory. Which Y’H? The one that comes through an overflowing of LOVE for Hashem. This method overlooks commands and jumps over boundaries and borders. This is letting emotions get the better of us. Love BLNIDS. Love must have a framework of Yirah (fear). George told Lennie (in Of Mice and Men) “That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie; and besides, you’ve broke it pettin’ it.” Too much love, smothers insufferably.

Borders and boundaries are very important and must be respected. Keeping OTHERS’ feelings and emotions in mind, without being self centered is the key for true Love. Even with the correct intentions that the love IS for the other person.

R’ Schwab explains: Spiritual love, bring THESE sacrifices, these are the correct regimen to bring down G-d’s presence. Not doing what makes you FEEL “spiritual.” How many times do we hear of people, even Jews, not obeying the laws because they honestly FEEL it brings them closer, and makes them feel more spiritual? Nadav and Avihu (Shemini, 10:1) brought a “STRANGE fire, that He had not commanded them.” It was outside the framework of Halacha (Jewish law), even though their intentions were really good, with true love. Hashem warns us here and now, only through MY way can you really show your Love for Me. Then I will show My love back to u by resting My Presence among you.

Every morning in “Hammavir sheina” we say that Hashem should help FORCE our Yetzer (inclination) to serve Him, and to channel it. R Schwab: But we already said to get rid of our inclination earlier in paragraph? So if it is gone, why do we then ask to Bend and Force it? The only inclination left is our GOOD one? So are we asking G-d to Force that one to serve Him? YES!! Because sometimes the “good” love pushes us too hard. The evil cloaks itself within the GOOD! R’ Rosner: You want to stay up learning until 2am? Great! But now let’s see what your Morning Services are going to look like… 

Chofetz Chaim: Even LOVE requires borders and needs control. When we think something will truly bring us closer, but we are unsure, we must seek advice from others. That could be our friends, Rabbis, family, teachers, or psychiatrists, ect… Who acted without this advice in Torah? R’ Tatz: Adam wanted to do everything for Hashem. He was even willing to give up his life by eating from the tree! Only to be able to show his true LOVE, by shining his little light for G-d, in the darkness he created by pushing Hashem’s light away. But we suffer with Amelek every day for his sin. R’ Rosner: Shimon and Levi did not ask their father to destroy Shechem. They went out for the love of their sister, Dina, and even of G-d Himself! But Yaakov never got over it, he says at end of life “accursed is their rage for it is intense, and their wrath for it is harsh” (Vayechi 49:7). Pinchas however, had ULTIMATE love for Hashem. He first ran to Moshe and got the go ahead to lunge forward with his spear in his hand.

We are not always the most rational or unbiased when emotions run high. We need to stop and take a moment and get an outsider’s view. We need to respect other peoples’ boundaries and laws, and only then can we give completely of ourselves with Perfect and Absolute LOVE.

May we all show quintessential love for each other and Hashem, to bring about the Moshiach with the building of the 3rd Beis Hamikdosh, speedily in our days, Amen.