יום ב Date: 20 Adar I, 5776 (2/29/16) – Gittin Daf 78 {Tani}

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[78b top] R’ Eliezer: If a Get is closer to a wife than her husband (after he threw it to her), but a dog came and snatched it away, she is not legally divorced [as it was not considered in her possession].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When we are looking to accomplish any tasks, we should make valiant efforts to ensure they get completed (and not have too many possibilities for failure from outside influences). We protect that which we truly care about, and should certainly make sure to safeguard our spiritual Holiness. Just as we would never leave our cash or valuables outside unprotected from random strangers and harsh elements, so too should we safeguard our channels that connect our souls to the outer physical world [ie: by guarding our eyes and ears from corruption].