יום ג Date: 16 Shevat, 5776 (1/26/16) – Gittin Daf 44 {Eliezer}

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[44a middle] Gemarah:  If one sold his slave to a Ger Toshav, the slave goes free.
Rashi: A Ger Toshav is a non-Jew that accepts not to do Avodah Zara (idol worship). [GM’ Yevamos Daf48] Rashi: A Ger Toshav must keep Shabbos [since Shabbos is a testimony to G-d’s creating the world and idolatry denies this, a desecration of Shabbos is compared to Avodah Zara].

D-E-ep Thoughts: The entire idea of Shabbos is understanding that there is a G-d and specifically that we (and the week) are created for a specific end goal purpose. Just as we physically work and prepare (through earning a living, cooking, and cleaning) for our ‘day of rest’ on Shabbos, so too do we spiritually work and prepare (through Torah and Mitzvos) for our ‘eternal rest’ in the world to come.