יום ו Date: 24 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/6/14) – Sotah#11 {Tani Guterman}

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[11a middle] Rava: G-d’s measure of reward for good is far greater than His measure of retribution for evil (our reward for good deeds will be far greater than the actual performances themselves) [ie: Miriam only waited an hour for Moshe, while the Jews, in return, waited a full week for her].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: G-d loves us tremendously and wants to reward us as much as possible. Even though we get punished exactingly for our sins, we should feel overjoyed by the amount of reward we will receive even for ‘smaller’ Mitzvos. We should take strength in the knowledge that we have the Creator of the world rooting for us in our corner.