יום ה Date: 23 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/5/14) – Sotah#10 {Tani}

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[10b top] R’ Zutra bar Toviyah quoting Rav (some say R’ Chana bar Bizna quoting R’ Shimon Chasida and others say R’ Yochanan quoting R’ Shimon bar Yochai): It is better for a person to cast himself into a fiery furnace rather than shame his fellow in public [this lesson is learned from Tamar, who almost died by fire before Yehudah admitted his sin and proved her innocence].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We must always try our hardest never to embarrass anyone in public. Nowadays, people are so used to making fun of others, it almost seems hard not to join in. We have to take a strong stance against Lashon Hara and never say about others what we would never want said about us.