יום א Date: 28 Iyar, 5775 (5/17/15) – Kesuvos#104 {Tani}

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[104a top] Rebbe was about to pass away as he extended his ten fingers upward and explained how he toiled with them in Torah and did not benefit from the worldly pleasures even with his little fingers. He then asked for peace in the world to come, to which a Heavenly voice answered that he would indeed have peace.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always remember how transitory this world is and try not to get lost in pursuing foolish “goods” and “excitements” (especially if they decrease from eternal peace in the next world). We must try to use all of our fingers and limbs in the Holy work of Torah and Mitzvos while minimizing pursuits of foolish follies.