שבת Date: 2 Adar, 5775 (2/21/15) – Kesuvos#19 {Tani}

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[19a middle] Mar (Master): There is nothing that stands in the way of mortal danger except for idol worship, illicit relations, and murder [because for only these three sins must a person give up one’s life for rather than transgress (see also Sanhedrin 74a)].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We need to be exceedingly vigilant for the sake of Hashem’s name in these three areas alone. Too much caution in other areas is not required [and may be hazardous (and even prohibited) if taken to the extreme]. A ‘middle of the road’ approach is necessitated in most areas of life, with the flexibility of knowing when to express greater or lesser amounts  (except for the three listed above, along with arrogance and anger, which need to be avoided at all costs).


[19b top] R’ Ami: Any book of scripture [Rashi: also any written parts of Tanach (Torah, Prophets & Writings), and presumably any written work nowadays such as a Gemarah or books of Jewish law)] that has not been corrected of writing errors (i.e. it is missing letters or has incorrect words), it is permitted to keep it up to thirty days, but from then on, it is prohibited to keep [if not corrected]. As it is stated, ‘let not injustice dwell in your tent.’ Keeping a flawed volume in one’s possession might lead to the commission of Halachic (Jewish law) errors [as explained by the Rosh, Ritva, and Rama, in Yoreh Deah 279:1 with Be’ur Ha’Gra].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits#2: It is very important to learn from sources that are free of error. We should always read the english for explanation, as well as many notes and commentaries to receive the fullest picture and not conclude with erroneous thinking.