יום ב Date: 20 Shevat, 5775 (2/9/15) – Kesuvos#7 {Eliezer}

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[7a middle] R’ Yaakov bar Idi: R’ Yochanan, in Sidon, RULED that a first time cohabitation between a bride and groom is forbidden on Shabbos. The Gemarah then asks why the strength of a “ruling” was neccesary [it should not be regarded as a ‘ruling,’ when it is a stringent decision, for absence of any absolute decision, one must act stringently; a lenient decision, however, can be regarded as a “‘ruling.”’]
Rashi: It is easy to prohibit anything, but to permit something requires ingenuity.

D-E-ep Thoughts: It is much easier to be a secluded monk on a mountain away from conflict and desires than to face issues head on. When we encounter difficulties, we must work hard to achieve peace rather than run away from our problems. Judaism teaches us not to rule everything out, but to live in society with our brethren and among the nations, and to be a light for all to learn from.