יום ה Date: 3 Teves, 5774 (12/25/14) – Yevamos#82 {Tani}

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[82b top] Braisa (from Seder Olam): R’ Yose: A verse teaches that two generations (“fathers” and “sons”) would sanctify the land: In the days Joshua they originally conquered and sanctified the land and in the generation of Ezra the Jews returned and reconquered/re-sanctified the land for all eternity. There is no third conquest/sanctification needed of Israel, as Ezra’s generation’s holiness is everlasting [even when Moshiach comes and we all go home to Israel (hopefully speedily in our days, amen!)].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Israel is a powerful and holy place, which is eternally holy since the days of Ezra. One need only set foot in our land to feel the aura and the sanctity that is ever present there. We should all make it a priority and mission to end up living in Israel as soon as possible (or at least visit on an often and consistent basis, rather than just “vacationing”).