יום א Date: 29 Kislev, 5774 (12/21/14) – Yevamos#78 {Tani}

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[78b bottom] Gemarah: During the days of King Dovid there was a three year famine. After investigating people within the city but finding no faults, Dovid analyzed himself for errors. Hashem (through the breastplate’s Urim Vitumim) answered that it was due to King Shaul not receiving a proper eulogy [even though Shaul killed the residents of Nov (a city of Kohanim) which supplied the Gibeonites with food and water), Reish Lakish: Shaul still merited a proper eulogy as befitting a man of righteous deeds].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits#1: A person is liable not only for his own deeds but also for the nation at large. One should never say, “what harm do my misdeeds do? I’m not hurting anybody else!” Really, each person’s actions affect the entire rest of the nation [ie: just as a person drilling a hole under his seat of a ship will sink the whole ship entirely].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits#2: Even if one does heinous crimes, his righteous deeds will bring him merits [ie: deserving of a righteous burial and a proper eulogy in which only good qualities are mentioned]. Always try to view other peoples’ good deeds and not their bad ones.